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8 Practical Ways To Sell Your Knowledge and Make Money



Whether you’re a Business Consultant, Caterer, Real Estate Agent, Plumber, Hairdresser, Trainer, or Lawyer there are many ways to leverage your expertise and earn money from what you know.
Having a sideline of income can come in handy — If you’re knowledgeable about a specific area, you can sell your know-how, rather than selling your time. You’ll still need a little time, of course, but there are several ways to come up with ways to make a little money within your time constraints.

1. Start a Website or Blog on Your Expertise

If you have extensive knowledge or passion for a particular topic and enjoy writing, consider setting up your own money-making blog.
When you start a blog, you are starting a business, so you’ll have to spend a little money upfront to get started. Luckily, starting a blog is inexpensive, simple, and there’s no cap on how much you can earn! You can start a blog on various platforms, from WordPress, WiX to Squarespace. When you start your blog, focus on very specific keywords with a tight focus and continue to expand into other but relevant content, title, and categories as you grow and dominate new spaces. This will allow you to build a massive blog over time. Remember that design is also important for making a good first impression on visitors. HIRE A WEB DESIGNER to help you build a money-making blog.

2. Write an eBook

You can turn your knowledge and experiences into a document on your own schedule. Although some may see e-books as being old school, while others may find them to require a more initial investment, they are still awesome ways of earning online. In fact, e-books can prove to be a very lucrative way of selling your skills online.

For example, if you are a Makeup Artist, you can create a series of e-books such as, “step-by-step guide to doing it yourself.” If you a Musician, you can write an e-book of something like “a comprehensive guide to master your guitar.”

All you need to do is make your book interesting and easy to understand.

After you are through writing your book, you can offer it as a PDF download via your website or through services such as PayLoadz or Scribd. This way you can get more and more people to download it. Your vendor will certainly take a cut, but the publication process is easier and faster than for print.

3. Selling Online Courses

There’s never been a better time to create an online course. If you’d like to turn your knowledge into an online course, there are many different ways to get started. Some platforms like Skillshare, Udemy, Teachable allow you to upload your course to their platform for free, and each time a course is sold, they take a cut of the profit.

To make your courses more appealing, you can include multimedia and additional reading material. In addition, you can even include some of your e-books as a reading requirement. Lastly, You can also create a course that you host on your own website. You’ll retain all the earnings for your sales. People search for virtually anything on the internet and thus a great opportunity to earn from it.

4. Host Webinars, Class or Seminars

Webinars, seminars, and holding classes might be the ultimate way to sell your expertise. By holding a paid webinar, you’re literally charging people to watch you talk about and demonstrate whatever it is that you have to share. Because you’re offering people access directly to you (the expert), webinars are worth the money to your peers. Websites like Zoom and GoToMeeting can allow you to stream presentations, audio and video. You can take questions from your audience in real-time.
Also check out solutions from GoToMeeting and Adobe, though you’ll have to handle payment yourself.

5. Give Talk: Public Speaking

If you’re comfortable in front of a crowd and possess expertise in a particular subject, you might be able to cash in on public speaking. To get your feet wet, start by pitching your speaking to a local event, conference, or online summit. Public speaking can be a lucrative source of income–if you can break into the field. Whether you’re a motivational speaker who gives 30-minute keynotes or you’re a trainer who offers full-day workshops, there are many opportunities for public speaking.

6. Provide Consulting Services Online

You can offer your consulting services on your own online – numerous people and startup businesses are willing to pay to get a piece of that knowledge to help them grow. If you don’t have a lot of time to devote to the project, it may be better to offer your services through a site that connects experts with individuals looking for advice. Some examples are LivePerson and PrestoExperts. You post your information and then clients can hire you through the site. You decide on the time and date you’ll actually talk to clients.

7. Get Paid To Answer Questions

The number of websites offering payment for answers to specialized questions seems to grow every day. SmallBizAdvice, for instance, offers payment for answers to questions about small businesses, for example. There are also plenty of sites with multiple topics, as well as sites specially for students to post questions they have with (or, more often, from) their homework, like Student of Fortune.

8. Selling your knowledge

You have to have some knowledge worth sharing — you’d be surprised what some people are willing to pay for how to drive a car, unscrew a bolt, video game tips, how to play the piano, or basic technical support — and you have to be able to share it in a fashion that other people can understand relatively easily. If you can handle those requirements, though, selling your knowledge can be a good way to bring in a little extra money. It doesn’t hurt that there are plenty of websites and online services ready to handle much of the marketing and promotion, and let you focus on your own expertise. The pay goes down when you work through these sites, of course, but the amount of time you need to devote to finding clients and related aspects of being in business also goes down.

So what’s the conclusion?

It’s worth noting that none of these approaches are exactly getting rich quick schemes. Though selling your knowledge online is now easier than ever – but only those who offer real value and know how to promote themselves will be able to succeed.

How will you monetize your knowledge? Leave your comment below in the comment section; we’d love to hear from you!

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7 thoughts on “8 Practical Ways To Sell Your Knowledge and Make Money”

  1. This is a nice content. I’ve been thinking about something in this line with my expertise. I will contact you soon on this.

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